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Thursday 2 March 2017

Top 7 Vegan Foods That Help In Weight Loss

The world has changed and people follow various ideologies to live by or believe in. While many of us have certain values, lifestyles, and attitudes towards the life we choose and the choices we make, others are seen as extreme. Extreme, I say, because they do not conform to societal norms that are usually expected. One such form of lifestyle is the vegan diet. As humans, we are built to be omnivores. But many people choose to stick to eating only a certain diet, which is in alignment with their moral principles. While no one can question a person’s conscious decision about their diet, there are always certain pros and cons associated with any form of extreme diet

1. Beans

Beans including kidney beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, navy beans, soybeans, and pinto beans 
are very low in fat.
They make a perfect addition to your weight loss diet. Each tiny bean is packed with proteins and fibers while remaining extremely low in calories.
A cup of black beans provides a whopping 15 grams of proteins and contains no saturated fat. A half cup serving of kidney beans provides around 2 grams of resistant starch.
Also known as chickpeas, garbanzo beans are packed with 2 grams of resistant starch in half a serving.

2. Oats

Eating a portion of oats for breakfast is a great way to provide the body with slow releasing carbohydrates.
Oats are rich in fiber, and a serving of this superfood will keep you full throughout the day.
Just a half cup serving of oats comes packed with 5 grams of resistant starch – a healthy carbohydrate that boosts metabolism

3. Pistachio

Pistachio is one of the lowest calorie nuts.
It contains heart-friendly mono and polyunsaturated fats. These fats, when consumed in combination with fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, help reduce the risk of heart diseases.
These tiny treats also suppress the hunger hormones to keep you satiated for a longer time.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is a low-calorie food packed with fiber that fills you up quickly. The high fiber and water content in broccoli add volume to the meals without adding empty calories.
This cruciferous vegetable is well known for its anti-cancer properties. The antioxidants in broccoli help to fight aging and cell degeneration.

5. Brown Rice

Brown rice is a healthy and fiber-packed alternative to white rice. Half a cup of brown rice contains 2 grams of resistant starch, a carbohydrate that aids in burning fat.
Brown rice is a low-density food i.e. it is quite heavy and filling, but relatively low in calories.
Brown rice is rich in muscle-strengthening proteins and vitamins that can also help you to get a flat belly.
It contains a rich supply of vitamin B that helps burn calories.

6. Lemon

Starting your day with lemon water can help you lose extra pounds from the body. Lemons are high in pectin fiber that fights hunger cravings.
It stimulates the flow of saliva and gastric juice, thus aiding digestion.
It also helps in the natural cleansing and detoxifying process of the body. Therefore, the more you consume lemons, the faster you experience weight loss.

7. Red Wine

Red wine is very low in calories and contains no sugar and fat. It contains a substance called piceatannol. It delays the generation of young fat cells and prevents them from growing into mature fat cells. It also blocks insulin’s ability to activate genes that carry out further stages of fat cell formation.
Red wine burns calories through a process called thermogenesis. It raises the body temperature, causing the body to burn calories for creating heat. It also curbs appetite and prevents overeating.
Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in the skin of grapes, prevents clotting of blood and lowers the cholesterol levels. Researchers have found that women who drink moderate amounts of red wine are less likely to gain weight in their middle age.
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